Melksham Lions members are constantly out and about; often behind the scenes but always working for our community in one way or another. Among other things this month, we’ve been pleased to present another cheque; this time to Wiltshire Mind who have been a great help to us in dealing with unwanted items through their local charity shop.

Wiltshire Mind are themselves an extremely valuable and busy organisation within the area, providing vital support to those suffering with mental health issues. More information can be found on their website .
We’ve also been rather busy in a more ‘manual labour’ fashion; joining forces with other local folk to have a bit of a tidy up. Our esteemed president and secretary – husband and wife team Jim & Sue Whyborn – recently donned the fluoros, grabbed the grabbers, and set off on a litter picking adventure around the neighbourhood.

Our thanks go to all those who participated, especially the organisers; it’s such a shame that such an activity becomes necessary but alas it does, and the difference after cleaning is always a pleasure to see.
If you’d like to get involved in the local litter picks, get in touch and we’ll point you in the right direction. And if you’re that way inclined to want to support the community you live in… have a think about popping along to a Lions meeting sometime too 🙂