Melksham Lions are very pleased to be able to attend as well as organise a number of events throughout the year, and from time to time we like to get together for a bit of a social too. Here you’ll find a list of dates, events and activities that we have on our calendar; we look forward to seeing you for some of them 🙂
As a small cog in a very large machine, we are pleased to be able to join up with other local Lions clubs from time to time, and are often mutually invited to attend annual charter dinners. This is one of them! Always a nice time to be had, and an opportunity to meet old and make new friends, and discuss all things Lions.
Wed10Apr2019Kingsbury Square
Here comes Easter! This year's Easter Egg Hunt is set to be a grand affair, and we look forward to everyone coming along to join in the fun. Let the scramble begin! (see what we did there... <apologies>)
We so love this event! Duck racing! You can't get much more fun that that can you? This is such a great event and we're always pleased to attend.
For more information about the day (hosted by our friends at the Calne Lions Club) have a look here, and we'll see you there! -
We like to take a breath every now and again, so what better way than to head for the canal and serene chug along the waterways... This is just one of the social activities that we enjoy as a club. All such activities are self-funded by the attending individuals; we just like to get together for some casual time once in a while.
Sun02Jun2019Meadow Farm Nurseries
We're delighted to be attending this event and look forward to meeting all sorts of interesting people there with their fabulous vehicles. You never know, we may even have one of our own there too...
For more information, please see here.
Tue18Jun2019The White Hart
The time comes upon us every couple of years to for a changing of the guard, so to speak, and so to mark the occasion of our new club president... we're all off out to dinner.
Our annual outing down to the park for our fantastic town festival. With countless things going on and some great music, we always look forward to setting up our stall and meeting our community as we all come together for this great event.
For more information you can visit the official Facebook Page for this event, here.
Another staple on our calendar, we always enjoy attending this event, and look forward to meeting you there.
For more information, please visit the official website, here.
This event takes place over the whole weekend, and we will be there on the Sunday. It's a fantastic weekend of fun for all the family, and you don't HAVE to get wet. Plenty to see and do and taste and... you get the picture 🙂
For more information about this event, please visit the official website, here.
Sun13Oct2019Shaw Country Hotel
Our annual Charter Dinner has come around again, and we look forward to dining with our members and guests to mark another year of Lionism in support of our wonderful community.
Every year we stand with our community to honour those who have sacrificed all for our country. We hope that you may be able to stand with us.
Aaaaand relax. Just a bit anyway. Time for us to let our hair down and have a bit of fun as we approach that 'most wonderful time of the year'.